With other eyes

XX Alhama, City of Romances evening

Saturday 13 August – 22 h – Plaza de los Presos, Alhama
“Somewhere in Granada, Alhama, commemorating Miguel de Cervantes and his passing through and writings about Alhama”.



They say a week is a long time in politics and this certainly was the case following the recent Referendum on the UK´s membership of the European Union (EU). 

The Romería del Vino

 A tradition revived 33 years ago is a complete success.

First gathering of the Resident International Community of Alhama de Granada, day november 29, 2015

 As the department of Culture and Tourism, on behalf of the Ayuntamiento of Alhama de Granada, we invite you to attend the first gathering of the Resident International Community in Alhama de Granada, which will take place on November 29th, 2015.

The XIX evening of the Alhama Romances dedicated to the international residents

 The moorish King sighed once again for Alhama at the rhythm of blues, jazz and bossanova, for the first time in history, the Alhama most famous Romances were recited in English language at the Royal Plaza.